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Mop Bucket Systems, Perfex TruClean Deluxe Disinfection System, Mop Bucket and Waste Bucket Duo System, PF-30-3

Starting at $433.62
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Cleanroom Mop Bucket Systems - Perfex TruClean Deluxe Disinfection System - Mop Bucket with Sieve and Waste Bucket with Sieve Dual System - PF-30-3

The Perfex Truclean cleanroom bucket disinfection system comes complete with 36 liter bucket, casters, stainless steel sleeve, waste containment bucket, stainless steel sieve, mop frame and adjustable handle.

This deluxe mop bucket system will allow the use of the bucket-in-bucket concept with a sieve for the waste containment bucket or use a sieve alone on the 36 liter bucket.  Both options are designed for small area cleaning and disinfecting.  Compatible with gamma, ETO and autoclave sterilization. - up to 250 degree F (121 C) for 30 minutes.

Complete list of item numbers included with the TruClean Deluxe Disinfection System:
• #PF-30-36  36 Liter Bucket with casters in your choice of Red/White/Blue
• #PF-30-47  Stainless Steel Sieve
• #PF-30-09  Waste Containment Bucket in your choice of Red/White/Blue
• #PF-30-46  Stainless Steel Sieve for the PF-30-09
• #PF-22-38  Mop Frame
• #PF-22-57  Mop Handle

Perfex TruClean Cleanroom Mop Bucket Disinfection System
PF-30-3-R     Red
PF-30-3-W    White
PF-30-3-B     Blue

Product Code: PF-30-3   Mop Bucket System, Perfex TruClean Deluxe Disinfection System

For more options, visit our main section for Perfex mop and bucket system for cleanrooms.

For more options, visit our main section for Perfex cleanroom mops.

For more options, visit our main section for cleanroom mop buckets and wringers.

To order the mop bucket systems, click tab above, email, or call customer service at (303)752-0076. 

Shipping Instructions: The mop bucket system can ship via UPS or FedEx. The order ships collect or prepay and add to the invoice. If shipping collect, add your freight account number in the “Comments Box” when checking out. Customer is responsible for the freight charge

In addition to mop bucket systems, we also offer a variety of cleanroom cleaning supplies, including Perfex mopstacky rollers, and cleanroom vacuums.


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