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Flask Volumetric Brush, 250 ml, Brush: 3.5"x 1 3/8"x 12"L, Price for 12, PF-3651

Starting at $120.96
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Laboratory Brush - Flask  Volumetric Brush - 250 ml - Brush: 3.5"x 1 3/8"x 12"L - Price for 12 - PF-3651

The flask -volumetric brush is ideal for bottles, cylinders and volumetric flasks. Durable, flexible plastic handle adapts to surface curvature. Choose from 3 available sizes. Sold in case quantities.

Three Sizes Available:
1.  250ml Flask-Volumetric Brush: 3.5" (8.9cm)x 1 3/8" (3.5cm)x 12"L(30.5cm)
2.  500ml Flask Volumetric Brush: 4" (10cm)x 1½"(3.8cm)x 14"L(35.6cm)         
3.  1000ml Flask Volumetric Brush: 5" (12.7cm)x 1 3/4" (4cm) x 17"L (43.2cm)  

Product Code: PF-3651   Flask Volumetric Brush, 250ml, 3.5"x1 3/8" x 12"L, 12 Per Case, Price for 12

For more options, visit our main Laboratory Brushes section.

To order the brushes, click tab above, call customer service at 303-752-0076, or email

Shipping Instructions: The laboratory brushes ship via UPS or FedEx. The order ships collect or prepay and add to the invoice. If shipping collect, add your freight account number in the “Comments Box” when checking out. Customer is responsible for the freight charge.

In addition to laboratory brushes, we also offer a variety of other Cleanroom Cleaning Supplies including: cleanroom vacuum cleaners, and cleaners and IPA.


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